Friday, July 18, 2014

Sinless Cookies

The original recipe
2 ripe bananas
1 C quick oats
1/2 C dark chocolate chips
1 heaping T natural peanut butter
Mix all ingredient together, drop on cookie sheet
Bake at 350° for 15 minutes

Here's what I did
2 ripe bananas

1/2 C granola cereal (with raisins)
1/2 C quick oats (after mixing I found I needed to add about 1/2C more of the quick oats)
1/2 C dark chocolate chips
1 heaping T Peter Pan peanut butter (found I needed about 1/2T more to tone down the banana taste)
Mash bananas and oats together - easiest way is with your hand
Mix in peanut butter then choc chips

As I noted above I needed to add more oats - my mix was goopy and needed to be firmer.
I baked them for 15 minutes at 350° then turn the oven off but left them in there for another 10 minutes

The cookies came out chewy - which I like so I deem these a success
Recipe makes about a dozen cookies

**might be fun for little people to make in a ziploc - especially since they could step all over it to mix up the bananas, oats, and peanut butter (sorry the nanny in me still comes out from time to time *grin*)